Wednesday, 27 November 2013

British films

Les Misérables
 Les Miserables is a 2012 British epic romantic musical historical film produced by Working Title Films (British film production company) and distributed by Universal Pictures (American motion picture studio).
Category D - British film with British content but fully financed by an American company.
Director - Tom Hooper (British film and television director)
Budget - $61 million
Box office - $441,809,770

About Time
About Time is a British romantic comedy film produced by Working Title Films and distributed by Universal Pictures.
Category D British film with British content but fully financed by an American company.
Director - Richard Curtis (English film director and screenwriter)
Budget - $12 million
Box Office$52,846,273


There are lots of different elements of mise-en-scene in each of these screenshots. The first image is a longshot and shows an ordinary teenage girl in her bedroom. We can see that she's a normal teenager because of the costume element. She's wearing jeans, a hoodie, a graphic shirt and her hair is tied up which can show that she isn't part of a wealthy family or in a high status. She can be classified as a stereotypical teenager which is misunderstood. This can also reflect her personality of not being egocentric or arrogant, but more humble and modest. Her bedroom is filled with lots of colours from her bed sheets and posters which gives the setting a lively and happy feeling, also showing that she is a regular teenager but also has a fun side to herself and her life. There is a glossy feeling to the entire mise-en-scene, but the lighting isn't too high-key (as it comes from her lamp shade) which can show that she gives off a positive vibe without being over-dramatically bright and cheerful, as she does have a normal life but her actual personality is fun, just like a lot of teenagers in general. The fact that she has a novelty phone of a burger indicates her being a humorous and interesting person.

The second shot is a midshot of a woman and a mysterious man behind her. Firstly, the man is dressed in all black and is wearing a mask to indicate that he is a self-ruling individual. The fact that he is wearing all black indicates he has a darker side to him, and the mask helps to remain that withdrawal from everything around him. He doesn't look threatening, like her wants to hurt the woman but has a more calming body gesture to show that he isn't as daunting and frightening as he looks. The woman's facial expression suggests she isn't frightened, but more stunned as she most likely knows or feels that the man is behind her. This also suggests that she isn't the typical fearful and fragile woman the Media usually likes to portray women as, but is instead aware of what is going on in her surroundings, and so she isn't afraid. She is wearing a regular blouse and her hair or makeup isn't done up. She also has a scar on her forehead.This may show that something could have happened to her, but she is still fixed and well-built despite the situation. The lighting is very high-key and the mysterious man is clearly seen behind her which can also reflect him not being a threat, if the lighting was very dark and if he blended into the darkness, he would have seemed much more intimidating.

The final shot is a medium close up of two men at a prison. Despite them being in prison, their facial expressions show that they are fairly happy and enjoying each others company. The man on the right seems much more enthusiastic and encouraging whereas the man on the left seems to lack optimism. This can indicate that he isn't as used to being in prison as the man on the right looks significantly older than him; also suggesting he is defenseless and impotent to be in that place for as long as he has. The colours/lighting is very grey-blue toned, reflecting what life at prison is like; gloomy, dull and miserable. However, both men seem very content with mutually admiring each other and perhaps helping each other to forget that they are in prison so they can make their lives more uplifting. This shows the strong bond they have created between them and that they have a durable friendship.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Contents Page of my Magazine

I used green and black as its my house style and matches the colour scheme of the Haggerston uniform. I also used the same font which I used on my front cover to keep the style consistent. My first idea was to use green on the background of my contents page and for the frames of the images and features, but then I decided to change the background to white as it was much more simple and made it less crowded. It also made the green font easier to read.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013